Posted by: Susan Vollmer | 16 October 2009

Barbara Gusewelle Boyle – A Look Back

I was quite surprised when John Auble, a television reporter for Fox News in St. Louis called me today and said that Barbara Gusewelle Boyle was released from prison six days ago. In 1985, I was a newspaper reporter for the Collinsville (Illinois) Journal-Herald, covering the case. She was convicted for the murder of her husband. During the trial, it reminded me of the north versus the south court case.  She had hired F. Lee Bailey as her defense counsel. He was from Boston, talked fast and was already famous as an attorney.  The prosecutor, Robert Trone, had an extreme southern accent.  It seemed likely that a Midwest jury would relate more to him than an outsider. According to the prosecution, she and the person who actually performed the killings planned for her to first meet Ronald Gusewelle.  But it always amazed me how did they know he would fall in love with her and marry her?  To plan to murder someone before you even meet seems difficult to comprehend.

Attached are stories from the trial that I did while working for the Collinsville Journal.

Barbara Gusewelle Boyle Trial


  1. Hi, I folled the trial when it was going on and I was very surprised she was ever released from prison. Linda

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